Monday, May 20, 2013

Lupus Nephritis Activity Index

The clinical manifestations of Lupus Nephritis has some relationship with its pathological change. Generally speaking, the manifestation of mesangium glomerular nephritis is relatively slight, and there is no abnormal urine, which can appear as latent nephritis. Focal segmental proliferative nephritis can also be called latent nephritis or chronic nephritis. Few of them can exist as Nephrotic Syndrome. Diffuse prolilferative nephritis can also manifest as Nephrotic Syndrome, which accounts for about 75%.
At present, according to the type classification of WHO, it is believed that it can not supply enough judgement for the prognosis and treatment. So later, the activity index is created.
Evaluating the activity index of Lupus Nephritis is a convenient method which can judge how serious the condition is and the activity degree of Lupus Nephritis. In addition, it is also a good evidence which can instruct the draft of clinical treatment. On the basis of experts Ye Zhigao in China, we divide Lupus Nephritis into three levels.
1. If the point is 7 to 10, it indicates that patients are in active activity period.
2. If the point is 3 to 6, it indicates that patients are in moderate activity period.
3. If the point is 1to 3, it indicates that patients are in mild activity period.
4. If the point is less than 1 point, it indicates that the condition is stable, or patients are in quiet stage.
According to the above mentioned, we can use different dosage of hormone, cyclophosphamide, and other medicine such as Chinese medicine to treat it. In western countries, more and more patients are seeking a more effective method which can stop their suffering considering the side effects hormones cause.
Diminishing the above side effects and inheriting the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, Immunotherapy includes both Chinese medicine, stem cells and some western medicine. It has little side effect and can also focus on the pathological mechanism: immune problem. Further speaking, it can be divided into 6 steps, which includes scientific diagnosis, immune inhibition, immune tolerance, immune adjustment, immune protection and immune clearance.

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