Monday, April 27, 2015

Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3

  Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3
  According to the GFR(glomerular filtration rate), Chronic kidney disease can be divided into 5 stage. The normal range of GFR is 80 to 120 ml/min. In the third stage, the GFR is 30 to 59 ml/min. Serum creatinine in stage 3 is 186-442umol/l. If eGFR is less than 50%, it indicates that the two kidneys are both damaged and there are also other symptoms in blood such as increased level of urea acid, phosphate and acidity. There are also other symptoms which indicates kidney failure such as malaise, lethargy, oedema (generally swelling of the ankles) and sometimes a loss of appetite.
  If not controlled well, the above mentioned therapy will become serious. In addition, serum potassium tends to rise and the blood becomes more acidic. Anemia will appear, which is caused by the following aspects. On one hand, with kidney damaged, the kidney function of secreting EPO will be damaged, which leads to the decrease of red blood cells in the body, thus causing renal anemia. On the other hand, there are more toxins in the blood, which damaged the survival of red blood cells and decrease the life span of red blood cells.
  Last but not least, high blood pressure or hypertension will also appear in the late stage 3. It is said that at present there are more than 90 million people in China who are suffering from kidney disease, 30% of whom are caused by high blood pressure. Once kidney is damaged, it can not discharge out the sodium and water, which leads to the retention of water and sodium, thus increasing the blood content and leading to high blood pressure.

  It is critical to diagnose and treat chronic kidney disease stage 3 early, which tells us that it is necessary to have regular urine and blood test.

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