Saturday, May 30, 2015

Why Amemia Appears in Renal Failure Patients

  Why Amemia Appears in Renal Failure Patients
  Why does amemia appear in renal failure patients? When suffering from anemia, renal failure patients will have loss of appetite, the face look pale and don’t look fresh as well. It can be caused by the following two reasons:
  1. Kidney has many functions such as filtration, secreting, and so on. It can secrete EPO. The generation of EPO is not enough when kidney fails. EPO is the main hormone which can promote the generation of red blood cells. When kidney is damaged seriously, EPO will not generate enough red blood cells, thus causing renal anemia.
  2. With renal failure develops, there will be more toxins retention in the blood, thus creating a bad inner environment for the growing of red blood cells. In this case, anemia will worsen. Usually, anemia takes place when kidney disease patients are in renal failure stage, generally stage 3 at least, which indicates the damage in the kidney is serious indeed.
  How to treat anemia in renal failure?
  1. blood purification
  Blood purifications can help clear away the toxins such as creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, urea acid, and so on, which can help create a good inner environment for the next treatment and the survival of red blood cell.
  2. Chinese Medicine

  In Chinese Medicine, there is active material which can improve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen in the kidney, supply with nutrition, thus helping repair the damaged cells in the kidney and revive its function. Some herbs in this prescription can clear up immune complex and inflammatory factors so that these factors won't further damage the kidneys. As we know, glomerulonephritis is characterized by deposition of immune complex in glomeruali.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Chinese Herb Medicine Treats Glomerulonephritis

  Chinese Herb Medicine Treats Glomerulonephritis
  After thousands of years’ development, Chinese medicine and theory has become skilled in treating many kinds of diseases without any side effects as well as treating them from root. The same goes for the treatment of renal glomerulonephritis, the therapy and mechanism of which is as follows:
  1) Some herbs in this prescription can clear up immune complex and inflammatory factors so that these factors won't further damage the kidneys. As we know, glomerulonephritis is characterized by deposition of immune complex in glomeruali. And such deposition causes damage to the kidneys and also stimulates the body to release inflammatory factors. Too much inflammatory factors further damage the kidneys. Therefore, clearing up such factors is quite important for treating glomerulonephritis.
  2) Other herbs help to repair the damaged renal functional cells by providing necessary micronutrients for self-repair of renal functional cells and stimulating DNA Replication of renal functional cells. Most of the patients have continuous protein in urine, which indicates that charge barrier and size barrier of epithelial cells and endothelial cells are damaged. And both types of cells are main renal functional cells. As the renal functional cells are repaired, charge barrier and size barrier recover. Protein won't leak out again. Hence, after treated by Chinese herb medicines, protein in urine can be cured.
  3) These herbs also have effect on improving blood circulation. They realize it by dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation and degrading extra cellular matrixes (formed by sclerosed renal functional cells). In this case, ischemia and anoxia of the kidneys can be improved, contributing to stopping the progression of kidney disease and protecting kidney function. This is because ischemia and anoxia are the major factors that aggravate progression of glomerulonephritis. With good circulation, blood pressure becomes stable and edema is relieved. About controlling blood pressure, Chinese herb medicine is different from western anti-hypertensive medicines. Chinese herb medicine has long-term effect, so after treatment, most of patients don’t have to take anti-hypertensive medicines any more.

  Every coin has two sides and the same goes for traditional Chinese medicine. It will take a long time to collect, smash and boiled, which may delay the treating time. Considering these, Chinese Medicine is created in Kidney Disease Hospital, which is really a creation. It is convenient, applied through osmosis omitting smashing and boiling, thus saving time to treat glomerulonephritis indeed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Treat stage 3 chronic kidney disease stage 3 with immunotherapy

  Treat stage 3 chronic kidney disease stage 3 with immunotherapy
  On one hand, most kidney diseases are caused by immune problem such as nephritis. On the other hand, when chronic kidney disease develops into stage 3, there must be damage in the renal cells and patients are in a critical stage. Considering these, we mainly introduce how immunotherapy treats stage 3 chronic kidney disease, which can be divided into 6 parts such as immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection.
  Step 1: Scientific diagnosis. By testing CIC(circulating immune complex) we can know what kind of immune complex is deposited in the kidneys so that we can know the pathological changes in the kidneys. You should also test lymphocyte subsets so that we can know your immune function stage. Only if we make everything clear of the disease can we treat it targetedly and effectively. Tests of beta 2 microglobin, Cystatin C, homocysteine and retinol binding protein are also necessary to find out tubular damage and glomerular damage.
  Step 2: Immune clearance. Immunoadsorption,plasma exchange,dialysis and so on can effectively remove the toxic things in the body and control the disease in the shortest time so that we can win time in repairing the kidneys. Only by controlling the acute progressing of the disease can we repair the kidneys well.
  Step 3: Blocking immune reaction. According to scientific diagnosis, the medicine, dose and duration will be very exact. Scientific use of immunosuppressants will well control the immune reaction in the kidneys.
  Step 4: Immune tolerance. As the symptoms often repeat, we have to assess the disease condition before inflammation in the kidneys becomes serious again. Giving small dose of immunosuppressants regularly can prevent the relapse of the disease. This is to let our body accept the fact that there is immune complex in the kidneys and the antibodies will stop attacking them temporarily.
  Step 5: Immune regulation. The immune complex cannot always stay in our kidneys, so we have to remove it out sooner or later. Micro-Chinese medicine can invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis thus increasing the blood flow in the kidneys. The special material in the Chinese medicine will combine with the immune complex and take it out of body through blood circulation. You will see floc-like things discharged out in urine after 7 days of the treatment. At the same time, oral taking medicine will be used to strengthen the immunity and nourish blood and qi.

  Step 6: Immune protection. For the damaged and remaining inherent cells and tissues, we have to repair them and recover the kidney function. Glucocorticoid, oral taking Chinese medicine and Treg cells injection will play key roles in this step. After these 6 steps, stage 3 chronic kidney disease can be reversed. Immunotherapy is really a systematic treatment combining both Chinese medicine or herbs and western therapy such as stem cells. In Kidney Disease Hospital, immunotherapy has helped thousands of kidney disease patients recover. For more information, please consult us online or email us.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Why GFR Decreases but Normal Creatinine Level

  Why GFR Decreases but Normal Creatinine Level
  Kidney disease patients are confused why they have decreased GFR already but the creatinine is normal.
  Creatinine is the metabolin of human muscle, and every 20g muscle metabolin can produce 1 mg creatinine. Creatinine is discharged mainly by glomerulus. The concentration change of serum creatinine is determined by glomerulus filtration ability(GFR). If filtration ability decrease, the creatinine concentration will increase. Serum creatinine is higher than the normal level, which means the kidney gets damaged. Please notice that only GFR reduce to 1/3 of normal level, serum creatinine begins to increase obviously.

  The reason why patients present this phenomenon is because that kidney has strong metabolic capacity, patients don’t have obvious discomfort if kidney has light damage, but when patients present the symptoms like edema,vomiting,dizzy etc, that means the kidney has already get damged seriously, and serum creatinine begin to increase obviously.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

GFR and Kidney Function Test

  GFR and Kidney Function Test
  Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is the volume of fluid filtered from the renal glomerular capillaries into the Bowman's capsule per unit time. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) can be calculated by measuring any chemical that has a steady level in the blood, and is freely filtered but neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the kidneys. The rate therefore measured is the quantity of the substance in the urine that originated from a calculable volume of blood. In a word, GFR is used to examine the kidney function.
  Calculated or measured GFR or creatinine clearance has a normal range of 90-120 ml/min. For convenience, this is referred to as 100% of kidney function. For example, if GFR is 15ml/min, that is said to represent approximately 15% of kidney function. GFR (or creatinine clearance) varies with age. There is generally a slow decrease of about 1% of GFR/year from the mid thirties. So at age 70 years, GFR on average is often only 60-70% of the normal.

  When there is damage in the kidney, GRF will decrease, the level of which can also divide chronic kidney disease into 5 stages. In stage 1, GFR is more than 90 ml/min. In stage 2, GFR is between 60 to 89 ml/min. In stage 3 of chronic kidney disease, GFR is 30 to 59 ml/min. In stage 4 of chronic kidney disease, GFR is 15 to 29 ml/min. In stage 5, GFR is less than 15 ml/min.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Diet(Food)for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)

  Diet(Food)for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)
  It is reported that GFR, which is short for glomerular filtration rate, can measure how well the kidneys filters wastes out of the blood. In normal condition, GFR level is 80 to 120 mL/min while in stage 3 of chronic kidney disease, it falls as low as 30 to 59 mL/min. What’s more, diet (food) or nutrition also plays an important role in preventing complications and stopping it from developing into stage 4. Generally, the principles are as follows:
  1. lean meat
  It is reported that stage 3 kidney disease patients should eat 0.6g of protein per kg of body weight each day. This means that someone who weighs 150 lbs. would need to eat 41g of protein on a daily basis. Chicken, pork, and other lean meat are all suitable. Fat is really forbidden especially for those who have nephrotic syndrome.
  2. low sodium diet
  When kidney is damaged, it will be difficult to maintain normal levels of sodium and fluid in blood. In this case, if we take in more sodium, the body will retains fluid, thus causing edema or swelling or dropsy in eyelids, ankles, feet, legs and even hands. Avoid high-sodium snacks like potato chips, salted pretzels, salted popcorn and fast foods. Replace them with low-sodium alternatives, such as unsalted popcorn, unsalted pretzels and unsalted crackers.
  3. Low-Phosphorus
  Kidney has function of adjusting electrolyte. When kidney is damaged, phosphorus levels increase. Increased phosphorus levels lead to low calcium levels. Replace high-phosphorus foods with lower-phosphorus alternatives, such as hard candy, frozen fruit pops, sherbet, cream cheese, rice milk, popcorn and clear soft drinks.
  4. Low-Potassium
  When the kidneys stop working properly, it becomes difficult for them to control the amount of potassium in the blood. Elevated potassium levels lead to fatigue, muscle paralysis, irregular heartbeat and other serious problems, so reducing the amount of potassium in the diet helps prevent complications. Avoid fruits and vegetables with high levels of potassium. These foods include bananas, oranges, kiwifruit, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

  Besides diet or food, treatment is also critical for food or diet can really be considered as natural treatments and assists the therapeutic measures.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

IgA nephropathy

  IgA nephropathy is a kidney disease that causes the kidneys to become inflamed and it is the third leading cause of chronic kidney disease in the United States.
  Immunoglobulin A is an antibody. Antibodies will be produced when there is a virus, bacterium or toxin, in normal cases, these antibodies help fight the thing that is invading your body. IgA can get into kidney with reasons that are unknown, which causes inflammation and finally leads to blood and protein in urine, high blood pressure, swelling and other signs of chronic kidney disease.
  At the beginning, there are no symptoms for IgA nephropathy which is a progressive condition, and it can take decades before you experience any symptoms. However, blood in the urine is not always a sign of severe illness. Sometimes it can be caused by a variety of things, such as intense exercise, kidney stones or bladder infections. But if blood in urine continues, you should be careful, because this could be a symptom for IgA nephropathy.
  If IgA nephropathy can not be treated well, condition may develop into Renal Failure eventually within one or two or more years, which depends on different people’ specific condition. It has a relationship with many factors, such as infections, eating habits and so on. When ESRF appears, dialysis or a kidney transplant may be needed. So for patients with IgA nephropathy, they should take the proper and efficient treatment at the early stage of disease, in order to improve the quality of their life, avoid dialysis or a kidney transplant.

  In Kidney Disease Hospital, we have immunotherapy on the basis of its pathological mechanism for IgA nephropathy, which is a combination therapy of Chinese medicine and western medicine and can be divided into 6 steps: immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection.

Monday, May 18, 2015

How to Treat Lupus Nephritis Creatinine 4

  How to Treat Lupus Nephritis Creatinine 4
  How to treat lupus nephritis creatinine 4? As we all know, lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). In lupus, something goes wrong with your immune system, which is the part of the body that fights off viruses, bacteria.Lupus is also a disease of flares (the symptoms worsen and you feel ill) and remissions (the symptoms improve and you feel better). With good medical care, most people with lupus can lead a full life, even when creatinine is as high as 4.
  In fact, the prognosis of lupus is much better today than ever before. The treatment of lupus, the main and traditional methods is the western medicines, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, antimalarial, glucocorticoid, immunosuppressant and so on. These medicines have good effects on treating the superficial symptoms, but they cannot treat the disease from the root. And this is one reason why the patients need to take the medicine all the time, and when they stop or reduce the medicine, the disease and symptoms will relapse.
  So, in order to overcome the shortness of western medicine, we combine Chinsese medicine with stem cell transplant to treat this disease. The obvious characteristic of Chinese medicine is to treat the disease from the root, instead of aiming at the symptoms. In the treatment of lupus, the main function of the Chinese medicine is to improve the blood circulation of the body, clear away the toxins of the body, creating a favorable environment for the further treatment stem cells. In Kidney Disease Hospital, we researched out Chinese Medicine, which is more advanced and convenient than traditional Chinese medicine and has as much effect as traditional medicines have.
  Next, stem cell is applied. If creatinine is 4 for lupus nephritis, it indicates that there is damage in kidney for kidney has function of filtrating creatinine and normal range is 0.5 to 1.2. Stem cells are initial cells with strong self-renewing and multi-differentiation abilities. They are infused into human body through intravenous injection, and then stem cells will transfer into the kidney lesions by auto-homing function. Stem cells can adjust the immune disorder by repairing the damaged glomeruli and by generating into new renal intrinsic cells to replace the scarred ones. In this way, lupus nephritis, the autoimmune disease can be treated well.

  For more information, please leave a message online or communicate online. We are glad to help.

Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

  Diabetes and High Blood Pressure
  Why do many diabetes patients have high blood pressure or hypertension? Only when we figure out the pathological mechanism, can we know how to treat effectively. Generally, high blood pressure in diabetes can be divided into three kinds:
  1. genetic factor
  In this condition, high blood pressure has no connection with diabetes for high blood pressure parents can give it to their children. Grandparents can also give high blood pressure to their grandchildren.
  2. high blood glucose
  As we know, one typical symptom of diabetes is high blood sugar, for sugar can not be metabolized normally after beta cells are damaged and insulin can not be secreted enough. In high blood glucose or high blood sugar condition, the blood circulation will not go normally for the blood is denser. In this case, some blood vessels especially the micro-blood vessels will be blocked firstly, thus causing blood to flow slower, which leads to higher blood pressure accordingly.
  3. kidney damage
  Kidney damage is a complication of long time diabetes. High blood sugar and AGES can lead to the proliferation of mesangial cells, which leads to increased ECM and expands mesangial membrane, thus causing thicken renal glomerular basilar membrane. Moreover, long time high blood sugar can decline immunity, and lead to the disorder of immune defense. In addition, long time blood glucose can also lead to dense plasma, which makes the micro-blood vessels blocked, and further influencing the blood vessels in the whole blood system, kidney blood vessels included. More renin is secreted by kidneys. Increased renin secretion can cause increased production of angiotonin thus causing contraction of blood vessels. As a result, the blood pressure will increase.
  How to deal with diabetes and high blood pressure?
  1. Control high blood sugar or high blood glucose by taking more exercise, diet and so on. Exercises are such as biking, jogging and avoid strenuous exercise which may cause blood pressure fluctuation.
  2. Loss weight if necessary for excessive body weight will force insulin to secrete more, which will worsen diabetes.

  3. Effective and systematic treatment such as immunotherapy on the basis of the pathological mechanism.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Why Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Have Edema in Lower Limbs?

  Why Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Have Edema in Lower Limbs?
  Why do diabetic nephropathy patients have edema in lower limbs? As we know, one important function of kidney is to filter blood, thus discharging excessive water and keep water balance in the body. However, in diabetic nephropathy, damage in the kidney also takes place, which influences the filtrating ability of the kidney, thus causing edema. Edema can also be called edema, dropsy or swelling, which usually firstly appears in eyelids, ankles and lower limbs.
  How does edema come into being for diabetic kidney disease patients?
  On one hand, the renal glomerular filtrate rate decreases, but the absorption of water and sodium in renal tubules is normal, which leads to the retention of water and sodium, thus causing the increased permeability of the capillaries in the whole body. In this case, water retention appears in the tissue space. The above condition is usually seen in glomerular nephritis.
  On the other hand, with the development of diabetic kidney disease, a large amount of proteinuria appears, in which protein is lost, which leads to low protein in plasma. The osmotic pressure in plasma declines, so liquid flows and edema comes into being. In this case, lower limbs edema will also appear accordingly.

  How to deal with or treat edema or dropsy or swelling caused by diabetic nephropathy? In Kidney Disease Hospital, we have researched immunotherapy, which is on the basis of the pathological mechanism of diabetes and kidney disease. Immunotherapy is a combination of both Chinese herbs and western medicine, which can be divided into 6 steps including immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune adjustment and immune protection. After these, we believe that edema in lower limbs for diabetic nephropathy can also disappear accordingly.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Can Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Donate Blood?

  Can Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Donate Blood?
  Can stage 3 chronic kidney disease patients donate blood? Donating blood is a good deed indeed which can help those who are in need of it. However, stage 3 CKD patients should not donate blood for the time being, the reasons of which are as follows:
  1. In stage 3 of chronic kidney disease, due to the kidney function is damaged, kidney can not filter blood normally, through which toxins and metabolism waster can not discharge, thus accumulating into the blood. This condition damages red blood cells, shortens the lifespan of red blood cell, thus causing anemia in clinic and make patients look pale. In this case, patients need to be transfused by fresh blood instead of donating blood to others. So if we want to donate, we can treat it after we are healthy we are capable of doing this good deed.
  2. In stage 3 of chronic kidney disease, there is not enough blood flowing into kidney with the decline of GFR, which is short for glomerular filtration rate. Our kidney is in the insufficiency of blood and oxygen, in which case, if we donate blood, there will be less blood flow in the kidney, thus worsening kidney disorder. Patients may develop into stage 4 easily.

  Last but not least, how to recover soon for stage 3 kidney disease patients so as to donate blood successfully? You can try new method immunotherapy in Kidney Disease Hospital, China, which is a systematic treatment combing traditional Chinese herbs and western therapy such as blood purification and can help not only repair the damaged cells but also enhance the immune ability thus treating stage 3 kidney disease from root, after which, patients can donate blood so as to help 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Can Lupus Nephritis Women Get Pregnant?

  Can Lupus Nephritis Women Get Pregnant?
  Can Lupus Nephritis young women get pregnant? They want to have a baby, but they also worry that pregnancy can give kidney more burden and even influence fetus.
  Indeed, on one hand, the rate of abortion is very high, especially in those with positive antiphospholipid antibody. Moreover, Lupus Nephritis women have to use a large dosage of hormone to control the symptoms in many countries, which is very bad for fetus and even kill fetus.
  On the other hand, pregnancy can also give more burden to women with lupus nephritis. There are two persons, which makes the kidney burden more and filtrate more. In this case, hematuria will also become more serious and the same goes for protein urine.
  Considering these, maybe some patients will lose confidence to have a baby. It is not so serious and as long as lupus nephritis can be treated well, patients can have a baby. Generally, they should pay attention to the following aspects when they want to have a baby.
  1. All indexes turn negative such as protein in urine, occult blood in urine, high blood pressure turns normal, the normal range of which is 140/90.
  2. At least half a year after lupus nephritis women stopped medicine for medicine which remains in the body will do harm to the fetus as well.
  3. The treatment we choose should have little side effects such as herbs from nature.

  On the basis of this, in Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese Medicine is researched, which is the advanced application of traditional Chinese medicine or herbs and has no side effects, thus causing no harm to women patients and will not left toxins to the body as well.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How Onion Affects Kidney Disease?

  How Onion Affects Kidney Disease?
  How onion affects kidney disease? According to an American health association, onion is one of top 15 healthy food for people with kidney disease which follows: red bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower,garlic, apples, blueberries, strawberries, red grapes, cherries ,egg white, olive oil, fish and so on.
  For people on a kidney diet looking to add more flavors to foods, try using a variety of onions including white, brown, red and others. Eat onions raw on burgers, sandwiches and in salads, cook them and use as a caramelized topping or fry them into onion rings. Include onions in recipes such as Italian Beef with Peppers and Onions.

  Experts in nutrition and health field report that 100g onion contains 1.8g protein, 8g carbohydrate, 8mg calcium, 1.8mg iron and vitamins such as B2, B6, C and E, etc. In addition, it nearly contains no fat, which is good for kidney disease patients indeed.  

The treatment of IgA nephropathy

  The treatment of IgA nephropathy
  For IgA nephropathy, it is a very common disease in our hospital. We treat this kind of kidney disease by Chinese Medicine, Immunotherapy, Blood Purification and Stem Cell Treatment. At present, the Immunotherapy, Blood Purification and Stem Cell Treatment are regarding as the most advanced medical technology in treating kidney disease.
  IgA Nephropathy is a kind of autoimmune disease. If our immunity is low, it is very likely to cause immune disorder after getting a fever or infection. The immune disorder will cause over reaction of immune system. The immune complex will stay in blood circulation and deposit on other organs. Too much immune complex deposited on the glomerular basement membrane and will cause the proliferation and swelling of mesangial cells thus damaging the charge barrier and mechanical barrier. It cannot block the leakage of protein and red blood cells. So there will be occurred protein and blood in the urine.
  In treating this disease, firstly, we have to control the immune reaction. Most immune blocker can achieve this effect. However, there is no effective western medicine that can remove the immune complex. If the immune complex existed in the body, whenever we reduce the dose of immune blocker to stop it, the symptoms would be relapse again. Only if we remove the immune complex on the basement membrane and repair the damaged mesangial cells, the protein leakage can be controlled fundamentally.

  For the treatment, we mainly adopt the immunotherapy, first step is immune diagnosis, which can tell which kind of the immune complexes and how much immune complexes deposited in the kidneys, then it is the immune elimination, by means of immune adsorption, plasma exchange and blood purification, the immune complex can be eliminated completely. Then cells therapy will be used for immune protection, the cells can be differentiated into functional cells to play its role on renal function to improve the renal function to the maximum degree. Many patients from different countries came here to receive this series of treatment and most of them have got good 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

How to Cure Protein in Urine

                     How to Cure Protein in Urine
  How to cure protein in urine?Some patients with kidney disease put forward this question. In normal condition, in a normal person’s urine, there is only less protein, the maximum of which is 150mm in 24 hours. However, in kidney disease stage, there will be more protein in urine, which can be as much as more than 3.5g in 24 hours.
  In clinic, especially in western countries, a large dosage of hormone is applied to diminish protein in urine, which can really take effect to some extent, however, can not treat it from root. Why? We should figure out where protein leaks out from the body. In kidney, there are nephrons which consist of renal glomerular and tubules. In renal glomerulus, there is basilar membrane, in which there is pore, through which, small molecules can leak out. When kidney is damaged, there is also damage in this basilar membrane, so protein leaks out.
  From the above, we can know that to cure protein in urine effectively, we should repair it. In China, traditional herbs are famous for promoting blood circulation, dissolving the stasis in blood, and so on. After thousands of years’ development, Chinese Medicine is applied, which is more efficient and convenient and is applied through osmosis. It has all functions of traditional herbs and also contains active materials which can supply nutritious material and relieve the insufficiency of blood and oxygen, thus repairing the damaged cells in the kidney.

  In Kidney Disease Hospital, there is also Chinese Medicine to cure protein in urine. In addition, it has been part of immunotherapy, which is systematic and can treat kidney disease on the basis of its pathological mechanism.  

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 and Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

  Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 and Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
  In chronic kidney disease stage 3, with the disease developing, there are damages in the kidney, which leads to the symptoms such as hypertension or high blood pressure, anemia, hematuria, proteinuria, low back pain and so on. The occurrence of high blood pressure usually indicates that the damage of the kidney is relatively severe. Even this, as long as the effective measure is taken condition for kidney failure patients can also be revered.
  Firstly of all, let’s figure out why there appears high blood pressure or hypertension, which can help us think of a proper way to treat kidney disease in stage 3. Once kidney is damaged, it can not discharge out the sodium and water, which leads to the retention of water and sodium, thus increasing the blood content and increased high blood pressure. In a word, kidney plays an important role in adjusting the metabolism of water and sodium and in secreting materials which can activate the blood vessels. Materials which can increase the retention of water and sodium increase, and those which can lead the blood vessels to shrink decrease, so the rate of high blood pressure increase accordingly. Long time high blood pressure in turn can also lead to the inner pressure in the capsule of renal glomeruli to increase, cause fibrosis of renal glomeruli, which will finally develop into renal failure.

  So effective treatment is critical. Hypotensor proved it can only lower high blood pressure for the time being and can not extend the shrinked blood vessels. On the basis of this, Chinese Medicine is researched, which can improve the obstruct of micro-circulation in digestive system. The active materials in Chinese Medicine can also extend the blood vessels in all levels of the whole body besides the micro vessels, improve the micro-circulation in the whole body, promote the whole system’s blood circulation, thus improving the high blood pressure condition for chronic kidney disease stage 

Does Lupus Affect Albumin

  Does Lupus Affect Albumin
  Does lupus affect albumin? Some patients who are diagnosed with lupus put forward this question. The answer is yes, with time passing by if we do not control lupus successfully. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which damages many organs, besides the conventional examinations of rheumatic disease, patients should also test the autoantibody, which includes ANAs, anti-DSDNA antibody, anti-ssDNAantibody, ENA antibody repertoire, Smith antibody, RNA antibody, SS-A antibody, SS-B antibody, ACA, etc.
  In addition, the lupus cells are positive in 40% to 70% of patients with Lupus Nephritis, which tells us that one day, lupus will develop into lupus nephritis if we don’t treat it well. When the kidney damage takes place, albumin in urine will appear. In normal condition, albumin can not filer out of the body which participates the organic function. However, when kidney is damaged especially when the renal basilar membrane is damaged, there will be proteins leak out such as albumin, which can form proteinuria if not controlled well, thus causing further damage to the kidney in turn.
  So from the above we can know that after being diagnosed with lupus, patients should do regular examination on the urine and blood which can tell us whether there is damage in the kidney. Even if albumin is found in urine for lupus patients, we can have therapy to diminish it.

  In Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese Medicine can help repair the damaged renal basilar membrane for it contains active herbs and other materials which can promote the blood circulation and relieve the blood and oxygen insufficiency. In addition, the active materials in Chinese Medicine can also adjust the immune system and promote the immune ability, thus treating lupus from root which is an autoimmune 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Complications of Nephrotic Syndrome in Clinic

  Complications of Nephrotic Syndrome in Clinic
  Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder that causes your body to excrete too much protein in his urine due to the damaged renal glomerular basilar membrane is damaged. Nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by damage to the clusters of small blood vessels in his kidneys that filter waste and excess water from your blood. When healthy, these vessels keep blood protein from seeping into your urine and out of his body. When damaged, they don't perform this function effectively, and protein can leak out of his blood and lead to swelling all over the body (edema). If not treated well, complications will come into being which includes:
  1. Blood clots.
  The inability of the glomeruli to filter blood properly can lead to loss of blood proteins that help prevent clotting. This increases your risk of developing a blood clot (thrombus) in your veins.
  2. High blood cholesterol and elevated blood triglycerides.
  When the level of the protein albumin in your blood falls, your liver makes more albumin. At the same time, your liver releases more cholesterol and triglycerides.
  3. Poor nutrition.
  Loss of too much blood protein can result in malnutrition. This can lead to weight loss, but it may be masked by swelling.
  4. High blood pressure.
  Damage to your glomeruli and the resulting buildup of wastes in your bloodstream (uremia) can raise your blood pressure.
  5. Acute kidney failure.
  If your kidneys lose their ability to filter blood due to damage to the glomeruli, waste products may build up quickly in your blood. If this happens, you may need emergency dialysis — an artificial means of removing extra fluids and waste from your blood — typically with an artificial kidney machine (dialyzer).
  6. Chronic kidney failure.
  Nephrotic syndrome may cause your kidneys to gradually lose their function over time. If kidney function falls low enough, you may require dialysis or a kidney transplant.
  7. Infections.
  People with nephrotic syndrome have an increased risk of infections.

  Considering all these, effective treatment is so critical which can prevent the above complication. For the treatment of nephrotic syndrome, Chinese Medicine is applied, which can repair the damaged cells in the kidney, which can repair the damaged renal glomerular basilar membrane, thus stopping the leaking out of protein into urine and treating nephrotic syndrome fundamentally. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Treatment of Lupus Nephritis

                 Treatment of Lupus
  It means the immune system in patients’ body is abnormal,the immune response is abnormal, the abnormal immune response not only can eliminate those antigen, but also can fight the normal cells and organs, causing damage on them. Excessive immune complex will be deposited on the kidneys, leading to the damage on the kidneys, then protein leaking problem will occur.
  1) So in order to control Lupus, patients need to take a series of medical tests to know clearly the form of lupus, the amount of immune complex, the accurate location of immune complex. What test results has he taken? Pls ask him to send me his recent test reports.
  2) Taking immunosuppressive drugs to prevent the abnormal immune response. The amount of medicine can’t be taken too much, or the normal immune response will be affected and excessive immunosuppressive drugs will cause serious side effects on patients. Also the amount of medicine can’t too little, or it can’t prevent the abnormal immune response.
  3) The abnormal immune response has been blocked, but the previous immune complex on the kidneys must be removed.
  4) After the immune complex is removed, the injured kidneys need to be repaired.
  In other hospitals, you need to see Lupus experts and then kidney experts. As for your condition, you are now suffering from Lupus Nephritis. The root cause of your illness is the lupus, if you first treats Lupus, regardless of your injured kidneys, your kidneys will be injured continuously. If you firstly repair his kidneys through some good therapies, regardless of the root cause of illness. Your illness won’t be treated thoroughly forever.
  If you can take the immune therapy in our hospital, we can treat Lupus and injured kidneys simultaneously.
  1) In our hospital, we have advanced test device, such as IQ21, after he takes a series of medical tests in our hospital, we can find out the form of lupus, the form of abnormal immune response, the amount of immune complex, the location of immune complex.
  2) After experts group discussion, a specific treatment schedule will be made out. Based on the test results, we will choose proper immunosuppressive drugs and in proper amount to stop the abnormal immune response, in order to control the illness condition of Lupus. Besides, in our hospital, we have Immunoadsorption and Plasma Exchange.
  3) How to remove those immune complex on the kidneys? Using a unique herbal medicine of our hospital, Micro-Chinese medicine to digest the immune complex, through dilating blood vessels, anticoagulation, anti-inflammation, those immune complex will be removed from the body, and more nutrient and blood will be sent to the kidneys, to help the kidneys heal themselves. Pls note, patients don’t need to drink the bitter herbal medicine, the herbal medicine is sent to body through osmosis therapy, so such therapy is called as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
  4) At last, we will inject some stem cells into patients’ body through vein. Stem cells have strong abilities of multi-differentiation and self-renewing, they can differentiate into new kidney cells to relapse those necrotic kidney cells, so the kidneys will be repaired.

Does Creatinine 3.7 Mean Dialysis?

  Does Creatinine 3.7 Mean Dialysis?
  Does creatinine 3.7 mean dialysis? People who ask this question are mostly those who are diagnosed with kidney disease not long ago. They don’t know how kidney is damaged and only are told that creatinine is an index which indicates the damage of our kidney. They even doubt they need to take dialysis. Indeed, creatinine is a metabolism of muscles, which filters through kidney and the normal range is 0.5 to 1.2 mg/ dL. Creatinine 3.7 mg/ dL also equals creatinine creatinine 321umol/L. In other words, we can use different ways or units to express the level of creatinine. The rate between them is 88.4.
  When will kidney disease patients take dialysis? Generally, in the world, most patients take dialysis when creatinine is as high as 445 umol/L. In China, kidney disease patients mostly take dialysis when creatinine rises as high as 707 umol/L. In addition, diabetic nephropathy take dialysis when creatinine is 300 umol/L, which is an exception.
  So from the above, we can know whether creatinine 3.7 means dialysis. In fact, dialysis can not solve the kidney problem from root for once kidney disease takes place, there must be damage in the kidney. Dialysis can only help discharge the toxins such as creatinine, urea acid, urea nitrogen, etc. Only after the damaged cells are damaged, can kidney disease be treated from root.
  So for creatinine 3.7 patients, only if they take effective measures to repair, can they be far away from dialysis. In Kidney Disease Hospital, we have Chinese Meidicine, which can solve this problem. It is applied through osmosis, which can relieve the blood and oxygen insufficiency and repair the damaged cells for it contains active Chinese herbs.

  We can also say that creatinine 3.7 mean that kidney disease patients are in a critical stage or in the edge of dialysis. So please be aware and treat in time so as to avoid dialysis some day in the future. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Can a Grandparent Give a Grandchild PKD?

  Can a Grandparent Give a Grandchild PKD?
  Can a grandparent give a grandchild PKD? Some phenomenon go as follows: a person is diagnosed with PKD (polycystic kidney disease), a genetic kidney disease, which is caused by disorder of gene, he is confused why his parents do not have it, but he has. So he doubts that it is not true.
  Specialists in kidney disease field point out that indeed, in clinic, a grandparent can give a grandchild PKD although parents do not have it. They also point out that when they collect information for a cyst patients to diagnosed whether it is PKD or not, they will ask such question: do your grandparents have PKD?
  Knowing this, let’s solve how to treat PKD if a person is diagnosed with PKD.
  Generally, renal puncture is widely used in clinic, which can rupture cysts, thus relieving the pressure in the tissue and remit the hematuria and pain caused by big cysts. However, renal puncture can only help diminish the bigger ones and can not deal with the smaller ones. With time passing by, smaller one will also grow up. In addition, renal puncture is a kind of operation after all, which may lead to infection.
  To treat PKD from root, in Kidney Disease Hospital, Chinese Medicine is created, which can solve this problem.Active materials in Chinese Medicine will extend the blood vessels in blood walls around, accelerate the blood circulation of the cysts wall, increase the permeability of the cyst wall, decline the inner pressure and accelerate the reabsorption of water in cysts to blood vessels, thus shrinking the cysts. In this way, damaged intrinsic cells can be repaired and the inner environment is clearer than before.

  After these, PKD can be treated, even if a grandparent gives it to the grandchild. So it also tells us that if a family member has PKD, all other members should be aware and have regular screen to have a timely diagnosis, which benefits the 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Why Puffy Eyes in Renal Failure

  Why Puffy Eyes in Renal Failure
  Why are there puffy eyes in renal failure especially in the morning? Renal failure or kidney failure means that the kidney fails to filer blood, secrete EPO, regulate blood pressure, and so on. When kidney filters blood, excessive water will be filtered out of the body through renal tubules. So when renal tubules are damaged, it fails to filter blood, including water, thus causing the retention of water, which leads to edema or dropsy. Edema usually first appears in eyes, for there are loose tissue in the eye area. So puffy eyes come into being, which takes place especially in the morning.
  Since we have found out the reason why there occur puffy eyes, we should be confident and take effective measures to treat it. Traditionally, diuretic can help discharge the excessive water in the body, which however is for the time being for it can not treat renal failure. What shall we do on earth? When kidney failure or renal failure occurs, there must be damaged cells in the kidney, which indicates that we must repair the damaged cell, thus stopping puffy eyes or else, edema will spread, thus accelerating renal failure.
  In Kidney Hospital, we have Chinese Medicine, which consist of herbs that can improve the blood circulation, discharge the stasis and repair the damaged cells in the kidney, including renal tubules. After these cells are repaired, excessive water can be filtered out of the body, thus diminishing puffy eyes and stop renal failure.

  So renal failure patients with puffy eyes are suggested to take treatment as soon as possible. It is maybe the critical period. If missed, kidney function will be hard to reverse. Monitor blood pressure, blood sugar, creatinine and GFR, etc, which can also tell us how serious the kidney failure is.